So what’s this site about anyway?
I wanted to make a blog about Blizzard games, and World of Warcraft specifically. Mostly just to write about whatever is happening with the game, or things I want to see in it. I’ve been playing World of Warcraft since 2007, and Warcraft in general for several years before that. But my first Blizzard game was Rock ‘n Roll Racing, made before they were even known as Blizzard.
I got into Warcraft games in the mid-90s when Warcraft 2 was out, followed by StarCraft which I also loved and played for years.
I was and still am terrible at online play though.
In 1999 I bought the “ Edition” of Warcraft 2, being able to play it without having to deal with DOS issues was great. Plus the multiplayer was a lot easier to setup.
I think I first got started with World of Warcraft when I got a trial from the Warcraft 3 Battlechest, it was either that or the actual WoW Battlechest that came with Burning Crusade. Either way it was in 2007, and I was HORRIBLE at first.
Now I’m just bad.
I’ve been playing off and on whenever I could afford to since then.
What’s with your site/user name?
It’s a reference to a Beavis and Butthead video commentary, they mishear the lyrics to a song called “Sold My Fortune.” They think he’s saying “sold my fochun” and because they’re idiots, think a “fochun” is a futon. It’s freaking hilarious and is still one of my favorite Beavis and Butthead commentaries.